The 2nd Phase of the IR
The Second Phase of the Islamic Revolution
The Manifesto of Imam Sayyid Ali Husayni Khamenei
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master Muhammad,
and upon his pure (immaculate) household, and upon his companions of noble descent
and upon those who follow them in [in their] good until the Day of Judgment.
The Islamic Revolution’s Entrance into the Second Phase
Among all the nations suffering from oppression, few have made an effort to launch a revolution; and among those nations which have risen and launched a revolution, few have been witnessed [by the world] whom were able to pursue it to the end, or [have] moved beyond merely changing the government [while having] safeguarded their revolutionary values.
However, the auspicious [Islamic] Revolution of the Iranian nation, which is the greatest and most popular revolution of the contemporary era, is the sole revolution which has persisted through forty proud years, without betraying its values and it has preserved its dignity and its original slogans (stances) against all temptations which seemed unsurmountable.
And hence, [now] it has entered the second phase of self-development, society-building (social-refinement), and civilization-building.
From the depths of my heart, salutations upon this nation, upon the generation whom initiated and continued [the Islamic Revolutionary movement] and upon the generation which currently enters into the great and global-scale process (phenomenon) of the second forty years [of the Islamic Revolution]!
The Islamic Revolution’s Victory: The Start of a New Era
On that day [in the past], when the world was divided between the [materialistic] East and the materialistic West, and no one imagined a major religious movement [could emerge], the Islamic Revolution of Iran stepped into the scene gloriously and mightily; it broke the status quo. It showed the world the out datedness of [their] clichés. It propounded (brought) the religion (Islam) and the material world together, and declared the start of a new era.
[After the Islamic Revolution] it was natural [and expected] that the leaders of deviation and oppression would react [negatively] – but this reaction was unsuccessful [and in vain]. Whatever the left or right modernity did – from pretending to ignore this [emerging], unprecedented, and unique voice, to the widespread and numerous efforts to suffocate it (the Islamic Revolution) – whatever they did just brought them closer to their [own] definite demise.
Today, after the passing of 40 annual celebrations [of the victory] of the [Islamic] Revolution and 40 “ten-days of Fajr”, one of the two systems of enmity has perished [Eastern communism], and the other [Western capitalism] is struggling with predicaments which signal its death in the near future.
[Whereas], the Islamic Revolution is advancing, [all the] while preserving (protecting) and adhering to its [original] slogans (stances).
The Islamic Revolution’s Universal Slogans
It is possible to assume a beneficial life expectancy and an expiration date for everything, yet, the universal slogans of this [divine] religious revolution are an exception to this rule; they will never expire and will never become useless, because they are ingrained within human nature in all eras [past, present, and future].
Freedom, ethics, spirituality, justice, independence, dignity, rationality, brotherhood, [these] are not limited to [only] a single generation or [a single] society where they would rise in a [specific] period and decline in another. [And] it is impossible to imagine a people who [would be] reluctant towards these blessed outlooks (values).
In all the cases where reluctance [to these values] occurred, it was due to the reluctance (turning away) of officials from [adhering to] these religious values; and not due to their adherence to them or [their] endeavors in trying to achieve them.
The Eternal Defense of the Islamic Revolutionary System
The Islamic Revolution – is like a living phenomenon and has will power – [in that it is] always flexible and ready to correct its mistakes, but it is not [by any means] revisionary or passive. It shows positive sensitivity (actively listens) to criticisms and it regards them as a blessing from Allah and a warning to those people who do not act upon their words.
Yet for no reason will it (the Islamic Revolution) distance itself from its [foundational] values, which praise be to Allah, are ingrained within the religious faith of the people.
After establishing the system, the Islamic Revolution has never suffered from, and will never suffer from recession and stagnation, and it does not see any conflict (incompatibility) or contradiction between revolutionary dynamism and political and social order; rather, it eternally defends the theory of the [Islamic] Revolutionary System [which entails all three aspects].
The Gap between the “Musts” and the Ground Realities
The Islamic Republic is not a fossilized stone and [thus] in the face of new phenomena and situations, it does not lack perception or understanding. However, it (the Islamic Republic) strongly (vehemently) adheres to its principles and is highly sensitive to its [ideological and physical] borders when it comes to its rivals and enemies. It (the Islamic Republic) will never be negligent towards its principal lines and it considers it important as to why it should remain and how it will continue to remain.
Without a doubt, the gap between the “musts” [what must have already been done] and the realities [on the ground] has always tormented and [even now] torments the idealist conscience.
However, this gap is fillable, and in the past forty years, in [several] instances it has been filled, and certainly (without a doubt), in the future, with the presence of a young, Mo’min (faithful), wise, and motivated generation, it (the gap) will be filled more vigorously.
The Islamic Revolution: A Source of Pride
The Islamic Revolution of the Iranian nation has been strong, but merciful, forgiving, and even oppressed. It has not committed any of the extremist and deviated acts that have marked many [other] uprisings and movements with stigma. In no confrontation – not even against [staunch enemies such as] the United States or Saddam – did it ever shoot the first bullet and, in all cases, it defended itself [only] after the enemy’s attack. However, [when it has] struck the counter-strike, it has struck hard.
Since its inception until the present day, this Revolution has never been merciless nor has it ever shed blood, [yet] it has neither been passive nor hesitant. It has stood assertively and courageously against [global] bullies and arrogant [entities], [and] it has [openly] defended the [globally] oppressed and weak.
This revolutionary bravery and gallantry, this honesty, assertiveness, and sovereignty; this global and regional domain of action in support of the oppressed of the world, represents a source of pride for Iran and Iranians, and may it will always be so!
A Correct Understanding of the Past
Now, at the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Islamic Republic – this humble person – would like to address my dear esteemed young people – the generation who steps into the arena of action to start the next (second) phase of the Great Jihad to build a great Islamic Iran.
The first section [of this manifesto] deals with the past.
Dear esteemed [young] ones! You cannot learn what you do not know, except via your own experiences or listening to the experiences of others. Many of the things we have seen and experienced, your generation has not yet experienced and has not yet seen. We have [already] seen and you will see.
The decades ahead are your decades, and it is you who must protect (guard) your [divine Islamic] Revolution with [your] experience and great motivation. And move it closer to its great ideal: which is, the creation of a new Islamic civilization and the preparation for the rising of the sun of the greatest Wilayah – may our souls be sacrificed for him – [Imam Mahdi (A)].
In order to take firm steps in the future, we must correctly understand the past and take lessons from the experiences [of the past].
If this strategy is neglected, lies will replace the truth, and the future will be menaced by unknown threats. The enemies of the [Islamic] Revolution with determined motivations are pursuing efforts to spread distortions and lies about the past and even the present, and they exploit money and all [available] tools [at hand for this purpose].
The bandits of thought, creed, and awareness are many; the truth cannot be heard from the enemy and their foot soldiers.
The Islamic Revolution: A Grassroots Movement
The Islamic Revolution and the system that rose from it, started from scratch. Firstly, everything [and everyone] was against us: whether it was the corrupt regime of the Taghut (Pahlavi regime) – which, in addition to its dependence, corruption, tyranny, and being based upon a coup – was the first royal regime in Iran which was brought to power by foreigners rather than by the force of its own sword; [or] whether it was the government of the United States and some other Western governments; [or] whether it was the extremely chaotic domestic situation; or the shameful backwardness in science and technology, politics and spirituality, and any other virtue.
Secondly, there was no precedent experience before us; and a path which had already been walked did not exist for us. It is obvious that the Marxist uprisings and the like could not represent a role model for a revolution that emerged from the heart of Emaan (Islamic faith) and Islamic knowledge.
Islamic revolutionaries began without an example and prior experience. And the combination of a Republic and Islam and the means for the formation and progress of it were not achieved except through divine guidance as well as the luminous heart and the great thought of Imam Khomeini (R).
And this marked the first brilliance of the [Islamic] Revolution.
“Islam vs the Arrogant Front”: The Most Prominent Phenomenon of the Modern Era
Then, the [Islamic] Revolution of the Iranian nation transformed the bi-polar world of that day into a tri-polar world, and later, with the fall and disappearance of the Soviet Union and its satellites (allies), and the emergence of new poles of power, the new dichotomy of “Islam versus the Arrogant Front” became a prominent phenomenon of the contemporary world and [it] has currently become the focal point [attracting] the world’s attention.
On the one hand, the hopeful glances of the oppressed nations, freedom-seeking movements, and some independence-seeking states of the world are fixated upon it (the Islamic Revolution); and on the other hand, the resentful and malicious stares of the bully (tyrant) regimes and the blackmailer thugs of the world [are also fixated upon the Islamic Revolution].
In this manner, the path of the world was changed [and] the [Islamic] Revolution’s earthquake woke up [and shook] the Pharaohs [of the world whom were sleeping] comfortably in their beds.
Hostilities began with all intensity and if it was not due to the magnificent power of Emaan (faith) and the motivation of this nation and the heavenly and endorsed leadership of our greatly distinguished Imam [Khomeini], it would have been impossible to withstand all those hostilities, villainy, [evil] plots, and malice [directed at us].
The “We Can Do It” Principle
Despite all these energy-draining problems, the Islamic Republic, day after day, took greater and stronger steps. These [past] 40 years have witnessed great Jihads, brilliant achievements, and amazing advances for Islamic Iran.
The magnitude of the Iranian nation’s progress during these last forty years can be clearly seen, [especially] when comparing this time span with similar spans [following] other major revolutions such as the French Revolution, the October Revolution of the Soviet Union, and the Indian Revolution [against the British Empire].
Jihadi management inspired by Islamic Emaan (faith) and the belief in the principle of “we can do it”, which was taught to us all by the great Imam [Khomeini] (R), brought Iran dignity and progress in all areas.
The Great Blessings of the Islamic Revolution
The [Islamic] Revolution put an end to a long historical degeneration (deterioration) [of the nation], and the country started to progress rapidly, which had previously been severely humiliated and utterly backwards during the Pahlavi and Qajar dynasties.
In its first step, the [Islamic] Revolution took the disgusting regime of the tyrannical monarchy and changed (transformed) it into a people’s government and a popular [religious] government, and brought the element of national self-determination – which is the driving force of comprehensive and genuine progress – to the center (heart) of the country’s governance.
Then, it (the Islamic Revolution) made the youth the main managers of the [country’s] events and brought them into the [key] fields of the [country’s] management. It (the Islamic Revolution) conveyed the “we can do it” spirit and belief to everyone.
[Furthermore,] the enemies’ [oppressive and unjust] sanctions taught everyone to rely upon domestic capabilities, and this [reliance upon domestic capabilities espoused by the Islamic Revolution] unfolded into a source of great blessings:
Blessing #1: Protecting Iran’s Stability, Security, and Territorial Integrity
It (the Islamic Revolution) guaranteed the stability and security of the country, [as well as] the territorial integrity and the protection of its borders, which were [all] targeted by the enemy’s serious threats. And [it] gave rise to the miraculous victory in the eight-year war [the Sacred Defense] and the defeat of the Ba’athist regime along with its American, European, and Eastern supporters.
Blessing #2: Developing the Fields of Science and Technology, and Creating Vital, Economic, and Constructional Infrastructures
It (the Islamic Revolution) acted as the country’s engine in developing the fields of science and technology, and created the vital, economic, and constructional infrastructures which till the present day, continues to grow more prevalent day by day: several thousands of knowledge enterprises; several thousands of infrastructure projects and projects necessary for the country in the areas of civil engineering and transportation, industry, power, mining, health care, agriculture, and water among others.
And millions of university graduates or currently enrolled students; thousands of colleges [and universities] throughout the country; dozens of large-scale projects, such as the nuclear fuel cycle, stem cells, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc., [all] ranking among the top of the world; [increasing] non-oil exports by sixty times and [developing] nearly ten times more industrial units.
A ten-fold increase in the quality of the industrial sector; the industry of assembling [products] was transformed into domestic technology; visible prominence was observed in multiple engineering disciplines including defense industries; shining [achievements were made] in the important and sensitive fields of medicine and the position of Marja’iyyah (authority) within it; and dozens of other examples of progress are the outcomes of that spirit as well as the social involvement and the collective feeling that the [Islamic] Revolution gifted to the country.
Before the [Islamic] Revolution, Iran had zero production of science and technology; it had no expertise in industry except other than assembling [products] and had no expertise in science other than the translation [of other people’s work].
Blessing #3: Elevating to a Culmination the Participation of the People
[The Islamic Revolution] has elevated to a culmination of the participation of the people in political matters such as elections, confronting internal seditions, their turnout in national issues and [issues] involving the fight against the Arrogant Front.
And regarding social matters, it visibly increased, for instance, humanitarian aid and charity activities that had begun before the [Islamic] Revolution. After the [Islamic] Revolution, people now eagerly compete with each other in [providing] relief services to those affected by natural disasters and social shortcomings.
Blessing #4: Enhancing the Political Insight of the People
[The Islamic Revolution] astonishingly advanced the political acumen (insight) of all the people and their view on international issues. [Furthermore,] the political analysis and understanding of international issues on matters such as: the crimes of the West, in particular the United States, the issue of Palestine and the historical oppression of that nation (people), [and] the issue [regarding the] bullying powers’ warmongering attitudes, their [various] vices, and their [unwarranted] interference in other nations’ [internal] affairs and other similar [issues] were taken out of the [select] hands of a monopolizing [elite] class and self-isolating so called “intellectuals” [and given to the people by the Islamic Revolution].
And so in this manner, intellectualism became widespread [and available] among the common masses throughout the country and in all areas of life, and [now] these type of issues are clear and understandable for even teenagers and children.
Blessing #5: Distributing the Country’s Facilities based on Justice
It (the Islamic Revolution) distributed the country’s public facilities with more justice [when compared to the past]. The dissatisfaction – of this very humble person – with the functioning of justice in the country, is due to the fact that this lofty value (justice) must shine like a unique unparalleled gem upon the crown of the Islamic Republic; but it has not yet.
However, this must not be taken to mean that no work has been done to establish justice [in the nation]. The reality is that the achievements made in combating injustice during these past four decades are not comparable to any other era in the past.
During the regime of the Taghut (the Pahlavi dynasty), most of the services and revenues of the country were in the hands of only a small group of residents of the capital (Tehran) or their counterparts in some other parts of the country. The people in most cities, especially in remote areas and villages, were at the end of the list and were often deprived of basic infrastructure and [basic] services.
The Islamic Republic has been one of the world’s most successful governments in relocating its services and wealth from the center to all parts of the country, and from the affluent areas of the cities to the poor neighborhoods.
The great statistics on building roads and housing construction; the creation of industrial centers; the reformation of agricultural matters; distribution of electricity and water, as well as [building] medical centers, universities, dams, and power plants and the like, [even] to the most remote areas of the country, is truly a source of pride.
Without a doubt, all these [efforts and achievements] were neither reflected in the insufficient propagations of officials nor was it [ever] confessed (spoken) of by foreign and domestic ill-wishers.
Yet, it is there [as a fact] and [these achievements] remain [permanently] as the good deeds of the Jihadi and sincere managers before Allah and [before] the people. Yet, [the notion of] justice expected by the Islamic Republic – which desires (longs) to be known as following [the role model of] Imam Ali’s government – is far superior to this [reality on the ground], and my hope of realizing this [justice of Imam Ali’s government] is with you, the young [people].
Which I will discuss in continuation.
Blessing #6: Increasing Spirituality and Ethics in Society
It (the Islamic Revolution) visibly increased the standard (level) of spirituality and Akhlaq (ethics) in the public sphere of society. This blessed phenomenon [of enhanced spirituality and Akhlaq in the society] – more than anything [else] – was [particularly] promoted due to hazrat Imam Khomeini’s behavior and character throughout the Era of Struggle (the era of the Islamic Revolution), and [even] after the victory of the [Islamic] Revolution.
That spiritual and A’ref (gnostic) human being, free (pure) from material ornaments (enticements), was at the head of a country, [where] the people’s foundation of beliefs was deeply rooted and in-depth (profound).
Even though the transgressing hands of the propaganda promoting corruption and immorality throughout the Pahlavi era had struck hard blows to the nation and the lives of the middle-class people – especially the youth – were dragged (forced) into the [dirty] swamp of Western moral corruption.
But the religious and ethical approach of the Islamic Republic absorbed (attracted) the luminous and apt (ready) hearts [of the people], especially those of young individuals, and the ambiance changed towards the interests of religion and ethics.
[The serious] striving of young individuals in the face of hardships, namely the Sacred Defense [against the US-backed Saddam invasion of Iran,] were accompanied by Dhikr (remembrance) [of Allah] and Dua (supplications) and the spirit of brotherhood and sacrifice, and the events [reminiscent of] the early history of Islam were exhibited [very much] live and vividly before the eyes of everyone.
Fathers and mothers and wives, motivated by a sense of religious duty, [all] bid farewell to their loved ones whom hastened towards the various battlefronts of Jihad. Then, when they came face-to-face with their [loved ones’] blood-soaked bodies or [their] wounded bodies, they accompanied their [heart-wrenching] tragedy with Shukr (gratefulness) to Allah.
Mosques and religious places flourished like never before. The waiting lines for performing E’tekaf (religious seclusion in a mosque) were filled (jam-packed) with thousands of young individuals, professors and university students, women and men.
And the waiting lines (the queue) to join Jihadi (volunteering) expeditions, construction Jihad, and the construction by Basij (volunteer forces) were filled (jam-packed) with thousands of young [and eager] self-sacrificing volunteers. Namaz (prayers), Hajj pilgrimage, fasting, Ziarat (pilgrimage) walks, various religious ceremonies, and Wajib (obligatory) and Mustahab (recommended) donations and charity (alms) [in the name of Allah] flourished everywhere, especially among young people.
And to this day, every day this [spirit] has become better in quality and larger [in quantity]. And all this has happened at a time when the moral decline of the West and its followers is increasing on a daily basis and their massive propaganda to drive men and women towards the [dirty] swamp of corruption [has increased], [and the West] has isolated (side-lined) morality and spirituality in most parts of the world.
And this [increase of spirituality amongst the Iranian people while the West continues to decline morally and spiritually] is [yet] another miracle of the active and progressive (forward-looking) [Islamic] Revolution and Islamic system.
Blessing #7: Confronting the Bullies, Thugs, and Arrogant Powers of the World
The magnificent, glorious, and pride-causing [Islamic Revolution] which became the epitome (symbol) of standing up against the bullies, thugs, and arrogant powers of the world – led by the criminal and world-devouring U.S.A. – grew more prominent day after day.
Throughout these forty years, never surrendering [to the enemy], always protecting and guarding the Islamic Revolution and its divine grandeur, and its steadfastness against arrogant and haughty states, have [all] been the well-renowned characteristics of Iran and the Iranians, particularly the youth of this land and country.
The hegemonic powers of the world – in order to fulfill their sinister intentions, have always lived (survived) by trespassing (encroaching) upon the independence of other countries and trampling (plundering) their vital interests – [these same powers] have confessed to their weakness (inability) in the face of Islamic and Revolutionary Iran.
The nation of Iran – due to the life-giving environment (ambiance) of the [Islamic] Revolution – was able to expel (throw out) of the nation, first and foremost, the American puppets (the Pahlavi regime, spies, etc.) and the elements whom were betraying the nation.
And after that, up until today, with strength and vigor, it prevents (impedes) the re-domination of the nation by the global bullying [powers].
The Islamic Revolution’s 40 Years and the Great Second Phase
Dear esteemed young [individuals]! These are [only] a limited number of the major headlines in the forty-year history of the Islamic Revolution: dignified, enduring, and brilliant [Islamic] Revolution – which by Allah’s grace – you, [are the ones who] must [now] take the second big step towards advancing it.
The fruit of the efforts made during the past forty years is before our eyes: an independent country and people; free; powerful; dignified; faithful; advanced in science; full of valuable experiences; confident and hopeful; with an essential impact in the region and a strong logic upon global issues; holding records in the rapid [growth rate] of scientific advancements, and in earning record high ranks in important sciences and technologies such as nuclear [science], stem cells, nanoscience, aerospace and so forth.
[Also] leading (excelling) in the expansion of social services; excelling in Jihadi motivations (desires) among young people; leading in having a skilled [and] efficient young population and many other proud features which are all the products of the [Islamic] Revolution and the result of taking revolutionary and Jihadi directions.
And you should know that if ignoring the [Islamic] Revolution’s mottos and negligence of the [Islamic] Revolutionary movement had not occurred in some periods during the forty-year history [of the Islamic Revolution] – which unfortunately occurred and were extremely detrimental (damaging) – without a doubt, the [Islamic] Revolution’s accomplishments would have gone far beyond [what we witness today], the country would have been farther ahead on the path towards achieving the great ideals [of the Islamic Revolution], and many of the current problems [today] would have not existed.
The Islamic Revolution’s Strength: Breaking the Arrogant Powers
Today, sovereign [Islamic] Iran, just like the first days after the [Islamic] Revolution, faces challenges from the arrogant powers, yet with a very meaningful difference.
If the challenges posed by America in those days involved ending the interference by foreign agents or closing down the embassy of the Zionist regime in Tehran, or disgracing the spy den (the former US embassy in Tehran), today, the challenges concern a powerful Iran’s presence on the borders of the Zionist regime, putting an end to the [various] apparatus of America [and their] unlawful infiltration of the West Asian region, the Islamic Republic’s support of the Palestinian people’s resistance at the heart of the Occupied Territories, as well as defending the high flying flag of Hezbollah and the [Islamic Republic’s] resistance [against the arrogant powers] throughout this region.
And if in those days the West’s problem (concern) was to prevent Iran from buying basic weaponry, today, their problem (concern) is to prevent the transfer of advanced Iranian weapons to the Resistance forces.
And if in those days, America presumed (imagined) that the Islamic System and the Iranian nation could be conquered with the help of a few Iranian sellouts or a small number of airplanes and helicopters, today in order to counter the Islamic Republic on political and security [fronts], they are dependent upon a big coalition consisting of tens of antagonistic or terrified governments and yet in an encounter, they still fail.
[Thanks] to the blessings of the [Islamic] Revolution, Iran today stands at an elevated position, which the Iranian nation [fully] deserves in the eyes of the world; and [Islamic Iran] has [already] passed many of the difficult twists [on the path of resolving] its fundamental issues.
The Youth and the Materialization of the Advanced Islamic System
However, the trail traveled so far is merely a portion of the proud path towards the exalted ideals of the Islamic Republic’s System. The continuation of this path – which is in all probability not as difficult as the past – must be traveled with the willpower, vigilance, swiftness in action, and innovation of you young ones.
Young managers, young experts, young thinkers, young activists – in every field of politics, economy, culture, and international [relations], as well as in the fields of religion, ethics, spirituality, and justice – must give (bring forth) your shoulders to bear the [current] responsibility, making use (taking advantage) of experiences and lessons learned in the past, apply the revolutionary vision, the revolutionary spirit, and Jihadi actions, and build the dear and esteemed Iran into the complete (perfect) model (example) of an advanced Islamic System.
The Most Important Hope-Providing Potentials
An important point which must be kept in mind by those who build the future, is that they are living in a country which is very unique in terms of natural and human resources. And due to the negligence of those involved [in the country’s affairs] (officials), many of these resources have not been utilized or have been under-utilized. Great determination, as well as revolutionary and youthful motivations, will be able to activate them, and in the real sense, make a real leap [forwards] in the country’s material and spiritual progress.
The most important aspiring potential of the country is the talented, skilled [and] efficient human capital which has a deep and pure foundation [set upon] faith and religion. The young population under 40 – a major part of which is the result of a birth boom in the 1980’s – is a valuable opportunity for the country. [There is] a population of 36 million people aged between 15 and 40; nearly 14 million people with higher education degrees; ranking second in the world by the number of science and engineering graduates.
[There are] countless young individuals who grew up with a revolutionary spirit and [whom are] ready to do Jihadi work for the country. [And] a visibly [large] number of intellectual and investigative young individuals whom are busy (occupied) in the creation of scientific, cultural, industrial, and other [things]. These are a great wealth for the country which cannot be compared (are far above in value) to any material reserves.
The Islamic Republic’s Resource Opportunities
In addition to [the aforementioned assets], there is a long list comprising of [potential] material opportunities for the country which can be activated and benefitted from by skilled [and] efficient, highly motivated, and wise managers in order to visibly leap forwards (dramatically increase) the nation’s revenues; and make the country wealthy, self-sufficient, and in the real sense of the meaning [make the country] self-confident, [thus] overcoming current problems.
Iran [while] making up 1% of the world’s population, possesses 7% of global natural resources: [it has] massive underground resources; [it has a] special (unique) geographical position between the East and the West, the North and the South; [it has] a major domestic market; [it has a] vast regional market which includes 15 neighbors that constitute a population of 600 million; [it has] long coast lines; [it has] fertile lands with a variety of agricultural and fruit products; and [it has a] vast and diversified economy.
[All these] are only some of the countries’ capacities (potentials). Many [other] potentials have [still] been left untapped.
It has been said that Iran has the first place in the world in terms of unused natural and human resources. Without a doubt, you Mo’min (faithful) and hardworking young ones, will be able to amend this major shortcoming.
The outlook of the second decade must be dedicated to focus (concentrate) on benefitting from previous accomplishments and untapped potentials, and the country’s advancement must be enhanced namely in national production and economic sectors.
The Second Phase of the Islamic Revolution: Hope, a Positive Outlook, and a Bright Future
My dear esteemed children, now I would like to offer you some pieces of advice regarding a few essential topics. These topics include science and research, spirituality and ethics, economy, justice and the fight against corruption, independence and liberty, national dignity, international relations, boundaries (the red lines) with the enemy, and lifestyle.
However, prior to anything else, my first advice concerns hopefulness and observing an optimistic outlook regarding the future. Without this fundamental key to every deadlock, not even a single step can be taken [forward]. What I am referring to is a truthful (authentic) hope based on evident realities.
I have always avoided false and deceiving hopefulness, but I have also warned and currently warn myself and others against unfounded hopelessness and false fear. Throughout these 40 years and [even] today, the enemy’s propaganda policy and [its] media, as well as its most active programs, have always been aimed at generating hopelessness regarding the future among the people and even our officials and statesmen.
False news, biased analysis, reversing realities (facts), concealing hopeful aspects, amplifying small problems, and berating or denying great merits (advantages), have always been on the agenda of thousands of audio, visual, and internet based media by the enemies of the Iranian nation [and Islam]. And furthermore, their followers inside the country can be seen using the freedoms [within the country] to work in the service of the enemy.
You, the young individuals, must be the forerunners in breaking the siege of such propaganda. Nurture the plant of hope for the future in yourselves and those around you. Drive fear and hopelessness away from yourselves and others. This is your first and most fundamental Jihad to make. Signs providing hope – some of which were mentioned – are right before your eyes.
The inclines of the [Islamic] Revolution have been far greater than its declines; and trustworthy, willing to serve hands and hearts are far more numerous than the corrupt, the traitors, and the greedy.
Iran’s youth, Iran’s perseverance, and Iran’s innovation in many fields is viewed with high regard and respect by the world.
Know your value, and with the strength given by Allah, ascend towards the future and create great epics.
Imam Khamenei’s Recommendations
Science is the most obvious instrument of dignity and power for a country. The other face of knowledge is ability. The Western world brought about for itself 200 years of wealth, influence, and power due its [scientific] knowledge; and despite its weak ethical and ideological foundations, by imposing the western lifestyle upon societies whom were left behind from the caravan of science, it (the Western world) was able to dominate their politics and economies.
We are not calling for the misuse of science like what the West did; however, we insist on the country’s need to flow the fountains of science among ourselves. Thanks to Allah, the scientific and research capabilities of our nation is higher than the world’s average.
It is now almost two decades that the scientific uprising has started in the country and with a speed surprising [even] to global observers, meaning [the speed] has moved forwards [at an unprecedented] 11 times faster than the average pace of the world’s scientific growth.
Our achievements in science and technology during this time – which have placed us in the 16th place among more than 200 countries in the world, have resulted in surprising world observers, and in some sensitive and new fields, have promoted us to the first ranks [of the world] – [and] all of this took place while the country was under economic and scientific sanctions.
In spite of having to swim against the current generated by the enemy, we have achieved great records, and this is a great blessing, for which one must thank Allah day and night.
However, what I want to say is that this traveled path, despite all its importance, has only just been the beginning and nothing more. We are still far behind the summits of the world’s sciences. We must reach the summits. We must go beyond the current frontiers of science in the most important fields. We are still far behind this stage.
We started from scratch. When the world had just started its scientific race, the shameful scientific retrogression during the Pahlavi and the Qajar eras dealt us a heavy blow, keeping us miles behind this fast-moving caravan [of scientific advancements].
We have started the movement now and are moving forward at [a high] speed. But this [high] speed must continue at a higher rate for years to come, so that it can compensate for the retrogression [of the past].
I have always warmly, firmly, and seriously advised, warned, and called upon universities, academics, research centers, and researchers about this [matter].
However, my overall demand from all of you young individuals, is to follow this path with a higher sense of responsibility and likewise take it as a Jihad (a divinely ordained struggle).
The foundational stone of a scientific revolution in the country has been laid, and this revolution has also given martyrs, which include the martyred nuclear scientists. Rise up and defeat the malicious and spiteful enemy whom strongly fears your [progress in the] scientific Jihad.
Spirituality means highlighting spiritual values, such as sincerity, sacrifice, reliance on Allah, and faith in yourself and the society. And morals means observing virtues such as benevolence, forgiveness, assisting the needy, truthfulness, courage, humbleness, self-confidence, and other good (noble) characteristics.
Spirituality and ethics guide every movement, individual and social activism, and [spirituality and ethics] are the primary needs of a society. Their presence makes the atmosphere of life a paradise despite even material shortages, whereas their lack [in an individual or society] creates a hell, despite having the privilege (abundance) of material [wealth].
The growth of spiritual sense (reason) and ethical conscience in a society proportionally brings about more blessings. This [growth] indeed requires Jihad and effort, and this effort and Jihad will not succeed without the help of governments. However, spirituality and ethics, cannot be acquired through commands and orders; hence, governments cannot create it using coercive force. That said, firstly, they themselves (the governments) need to observe ethical and spiritual manners and behaviors.
And secondly, they need to prepare the ground for the spread of those (spiritual and ethical) virtues in society, as well as assist and provide a realm [of action] to social organizations in this regard. They need to oppose (fight) in a rational manner against the centers of anti-spirituality and anti-morality. And in summary, they (the government) must not allow the people of Hell (evil ones), to lead the common masses towards Hell, via their force and deception.
Advanced and widespread means of mass media have provided the centers of anti-spirituality and anti-morality with a very dangerous opportunity, and now we are witnessing with our own eyes the enemies’ ever-increasing assault upon the pure hearts of the youth, teenagers, and even children by employing these means [of mass media].
Relevant government entities have great responsibilities in this regard which must be taken up wisely and thoroughly responsibly. However, this does not imply that non-governmental individuals and organizations have no responsibility.
Insha’Allah (Allah willing), in the era ahead, regarding these matters, comprehensive short and medium-term plans need to be devised and implemented.
The economy is a key determining point. A strong economy is a strong point and is an important factor in blocking the domination and infiltration of the country. While a weak economy is a weak point [an Achilles heel] which prepares the ground for infiltration, domination, and intrusion (interference) by the enemies.
Poverty and affluence affect the material and spiritual aspects of human beings. But [it must be kept in mind that] the economy, is not the goal of the Islamic society; rather, it is a means without which [certain] goals cannot be reached.
Insistence upon strengthening the country’s independent economy which is based upon mass and quality production, justice-centric distribution, reasonable and waste-free consumption, and wise (intelligent) managerial relations – which in recent years, time and time again I have repeated and insisted upon – is due to the incredible impact the economy can have on the society’s current and future life.
The Islamic Revolution showed us the path of salvation [leading out of the] weak, dependent, and corrupt economy of the Taghut (Pahlavi) era. However, feeble performances have posed internal and external challenges to the country’s economy. The external challenges [including] the enemy’s sanctions and deceit will be rendered less effective or even [totally] ineffective if the internal challenges are resolved. The internal challenges consist of structural defects and managerial shortcomings.
The most important [internal] defects include economic reliance on oil; government owned (controlled) sectors of the economy which do not fall under the sphere of governmental responsibilities; looking towards (relying) on the outside world rather than domestic strengths and potentials; very little use of the country’s human resources potentials; defective and unbalanced budgeting; and finally the lack of consistency in executive economic policies, the lack of prioritization, and excessive and even wasteful expenses in parts of governmental organizations.
The result of these [defects] is problems in the lives of the people namely the high unemployment rate among the youth, low income within the weak (lower) classes, and the like.
The solution to these problems lies in the Economy of Resistance policy which must be [thoroughly] prepared via implementation plans in all its aspects with strength, vitality, and a sense of responsibility; the government is to follow up and implement [the Economy of Resistance].
The country’s economic intra-production, and it’s becoming productive and knowledge-based, making the economy based upon the people, the government’s avoidance of authoritarianism, and extroversion using the aforementioned [domestic] potentials are among the important parts of these solutions.
Without a doubt, a committee within the government [comprised] of young, wise, Mo’min (faithful), and experts in economics will be able to accomplish these aims. The times ahead must include such a committee in the field of action.
The beloved esteemed young individuals across the nation should know that all solutions [to the nation’s problems] lie within the country. If someone imagines (assumes) that the “economic problems [of the nation] are only a result of sanctions and the reason for sanctions is the resistance against the Arrogant Powers and not submitting to the enemy, [and] hence the solution is to kneel before the enemy and kiss the wolf’s paw” is an unforgivable mistake.
This bluntly wrong analysis – although it is sometimes espoused from the mouths and pens of some ignorant individuals inside the country – has its roots in foreign think tanks and [foreign] plots (schemes) which intend to induce (infuse) them via hundreds of languages (ways) into [the minds and hearts of] domestic policy makers, decision makers, and [even] the general public.
4) Justice and the Fight Against Corruption
These two [virtues] necessitate each other. Economic, moral, and political corruption are [like] infectious tumors in the body of countries and governments; and if found in the body of [a system of] governance, they are a devastating earthquake and deal a heavy blow to their legitimacy.
And for an establishment like the Islamic Republic – which requires a legitimacy far beyond the traditional legitimacy and more than [just] the common social acceptance – this [legitimacy] is far more serious and fundamental [for the Islamic Republic] than for any other system.
Even in the most Alawi of governments in human history, i.e. Amir al-Mo’mineen’s (Imam Ali’s) own government, the temptations of wealth, position, and authority weakened [some] individuals.
Thus, the hazard posed by the emergence of such a threat in the Islamic Republic – whose managers and officials once competed [with] each other in Revolutionary piety and maintaining a simple lifestyle – never was and is still not improbable.
This makes necessary the constant presence of a skilled and efficient body, with sharp eyes and decisive actions within the three branches of powers (executive, legislative, and judiciary), in order to truly fight corruption, especially within the [various] governmental bodies.
However, the proportion of corruption among the officials of the Islamic Republic’s government is much smaller when compared to that of many other countries, and particularly to the Taghut regime (the Pahlavi regime) – which from head to toe was corrupt and [even] encouraged corruption. But thanks be to Allah, the agents of this [Islamic] system have mostly stayed clean from it (corruption).
Yet, even the [minimal] corruption which is [present], is unacceptable. Everyone must know that financial purity (transparency) is the precondition for the legitimacy of all the [official] positions [within] the Islamic Republic’s government.
Everybody must be wary of the evils of greed, and avoid Haram (illegitimate) earnings, and ask Allah for help in this regard.
Supervising and governmental departments must prevent corruption from being conceived and fight its spread with determination and sensitivity. This fight requires faithful men ready for Jihad, whom are dignified and have pure hands (pure people) and luminous hearts. This fight is an effective part of an all-encompassing effort that the Islamic Republic’s system must implement on the path to establish justice.
Justice has been at the forefront among the primary ideals pursued by all divine prophets, and in the Islamic Republic, it has just as much status and value. This (justice) is a sacred word for all times and in all lands, and it is not possible for it to be perfectly established, other than in the government of Imam Mahdi (A) – may we be sacrificed for him.
However, relatively [speaking], it (justice) is always and everywhere possible, and it is a duty [to be carried out] upon everyone, especially the rulers and the powerful. The Islamic Republic of Iran has taken major steps in this way [of establishing justice], examples of which have been briefly mentioned before.
Of course, more work must be done to explain and describe them (the efforts made in this regard). And the current serious conspiracies (plots) by the enemies of the [Islamic] Revolution – which are aimed at twisting the reality, or at least remaining silent [in the face of advancements], and concealing [the truth] – must be nullified.
With all this [in mind], I am clearly telling the beloved esteemed young people that the future of the country hopefully awaits you; that which has been done until now stands at a great distance from what must have been done and [what] could have been done.
In the Islamic Republic, the hearts of officials must constantly beat for eliminating the deprivations [of the people and the nation] and they must be seriously fearful of deep class divisions.
In the Islamic Republic, not only is seeking wealth not a crime, it is actually encouraged. However, discrimination in the distribution of public resources, granting an opportunity to debased (evil) people, and tolerating economic deceivers – all of which results in injustice – are strictly forbidden.
Similarly, neglecting the classes in need of support can never be acceptable under any circumstances. These words have been frequently repeated in the form of policies and laws, but for their proper implementation, the hope lies in you, the young people.
And if the reigns of leadership of the various sectors of the country are entrusted to young Mo’min (faithful), revolutionary, wise, and competent young people – whom thanks be to Allah, are not few in numbers – this hope will be fulfilled, Insha’Allah (Allah willing).
National independence means the freedom of the nation and the government from the imposition and bullying of the domineering powers of the world. And social freedom means the right for every member of the society to decide, act, and think; and both of these (independence and freedom) are Islamic values; they are divine gifts bestowed upon human beings, and neither of them is a favor to be offered to the people by governments [because they are divine gifts bestowed upon human beings by Allah].
Governments are obliged (responsible) to provide the two aforementioned [rights]. The value (importance) of freedom and independence are realized more [fully] by those who have fought for it. The Iranian nation, with its forty year Jihad, is among them [who knows the value of independence and freedom].
The current independence and freedom of Islamic Iran was achieved by the blood of hundreds of thousands of honorable (great), brave, and self-sacrificing human beings; [these martyrs were] mostly young, but all [of them were] stationed at the elevated levels of humanity. This fruit of the pure tree of the [Islamic] Revolution cannot be put at risk by naive and sometimes biased (prejudiced) justifications and interpretations.
Everyone, especially the government of the Islamic Republic, is obligated (responsible) to protect it with their whole existence. It is obvious that “independence” must not be defined as the confinement of the politics and economy of the country within its borders, and “freedom” must not be defined in [a manner in which it] contradicts (opposes) divine ethics, laws, values, and public rights.
6) National Dignity, Foreign Relations, and Defining Boundaries with the Enemy
These three are branches of the principle of “Dignity, Wisdom, and Appropriateness” in international relations. The global scene today is witnessing phenomena which are unfolding or are on the brink of unfolding [such as]: the new dynamism of the [global] Islamic Awakening Movement based upon the model of resistance against American and Zionist domination; the failure of America’s policies in the West Asian region and the defeat of their treacherous allies in the region; the expansion of the powerful political presence of the Islamic Republic [of Iran] in West Asia, and its wide-ranging reflection across the world of domineering powers.
These are [just] some manifestations of the Islamic Republic’s dignity, which were not achieved except by means of the courage and wisdom of the Jihadi (selflessly striving) managers.
The leaders of the domineering system (the arrogant front) are worried; their proposals generally involve deception, deceit (cunning), and lies. Today, the Iranian nation, in addition to the criminal regime of the United States, regards a number of European governments as being deceitful and untrustworthy.
The Islamic Republic’s government must carefully protect its boundaries (red lines) with them; it should not retreat [even] a single step from its revolutionary and national values; it should not be scared of their baseless threats; and at all times, it should consider the dignity of the country and the people, and try to wisely, appropriately, and of course, with a revolutionary standpoint settle the solvable problems it has [in the relations] with them.
In the case of America, the solution to any issue is [absolutely] unimaginable. And negotiations with them (America) will have no outcome, other than material [loss] and spiritual harm.
There are many necessary points to make in this regard. I will leave them for another opportunity, [yet] I suffice with this statement: the West’s attempts to promote the Western lifestyle in Iran has caused a lot of irreversible moral, economic, religious, and political damage to our country and our people.
Countering them [the West’s attempts’ and current inroads] requires a comprehensive and intelligent Jihad (divinely oriented struggle) [and] for that [comprehensive and intelligent Jihad against the current and potential infiltration of Western lifestyle] – again – we have hope in you, the young people.
Closing Statement
I would like to thank the dear [and] esteemed, enthusiastic, source of pride, and enemy-breaking nation for their presence on the 22nd of Bahman [1397] and the 40th anniversary of the great Islamic Revolution and out of gratefulness to Allah, I place my forehead [upon the earth in prostration] in His [divine] presence.
Peace (salutations) be upon hazrat (great and esteemed) Baqiyatullah (Imam Mahdi) (A) – may our souls be sacrificed for him – peace be upon the pure souls of the honorable martyrs, and the pure soul of the great esteemed Imam [Khomeini] (R), and peace be upon all the dear esteemed people of Iran, and special greetings to the youth.
Always praying for you all,
سیّد علی حسینی خامنهای
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution
The Islamic Republic of Iran
22nd of Bahman 1397
February 11, 2019