What Is The Best Form of Azadari? |

Ayatollah Misbah-Yazdi | Farsi Sub English

What are two categories that can be created as regards to the blessings of the Azadari of Imam Husayn (A)?

What are some individual effects of Azadari and on the individual level, what is the best form of Azadari?

Should the Azadari of Imam Husayn (A) have a practical impact on our daily lives?

What are some of the societal effects of Azadari and on the societal level, what is the best from of Azadari?

What is a measure to gauge what is the best form of Azadari, both on the individual and societal level?

And can the individual Azadari and the congregational Azadari replace one another?

Finally, “What Is The Best Form of Azadari?”

The late Ayatollah Misbah-Yazdi (R) provides us with a profound crash-course on the basics of Azadari, the mourning over Imam Husayn (A), his family members, and his companions who were martyred on the 10th of Muharram, in the year 61 A.H.

#Azadari #Mourning #Muharram #Akhlaq #Love #Allah #Concepts #Beliefs #Salvation #Arbaeen #Husayn #ImamHusayn

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