The Banishment of America |

Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English

What did Imam Khomeini (R) do when he found out that foreigners were humiliating and weakening the Iranian nation?

And what was done by the governmental establishment to Imam Khomeini (R) after his aforementioned action?

And 15 years later, what did the “children” of Imam Khomeini (R) do?

What was the Tabas incident and how does it play in the timeline of the early life of the Islamic Republic? What do you know about the spy hostages of the US and what did the US do to free them up? What relation does it have with the failed Eagle-Claw operation of America?

Finally, what is the present-day condition of America and how long will the fight against falsehood last for?

Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, speaks about “The Banishment of America”.

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