Teacher’s Day and Shaheed Motahhari |

Imam Khamenei | Farsi Sub English

What are some pieces of advice that are necessary for a teachers, whether a teacher of the seminary or the university?

What are some of the characteristics of Shaheed Motahhari in his aspect as a teacher?

What are some qualities of Shaheed Motahhari in his aspect as an individual?

What is the importance of the creation of thought as well as the dissemination of that created thought and knowledge?

Were the teachings of Shaheed Motahhari limited to opposing just the Communist and Marxist ideologies?

What is the importance of being task-oriented and knowing the duty at hand?

Finally, when creating thought and knowledge, what must one take into consideration?

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, answers and speaks about “Teacher’s Day and Shaheed Motahhari”.

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