Are israeli People Like Other People? |

Leader of the Muslim Ummah | Farsi Sub English

Why does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei say that we have a problem with the israeli people?

In reality, what are the israeli people in terms of military combat and as a part of the illegitimate occupation?

Do Muslims have a problem with Jews or Christians?

Finally, Imam Khamenei spells out that all freedom-seeking and justice-seeking people of the world say that we have a problem with the Zionists.

The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, answers the question “Are israeli People Like Other People?”

O the occupiers, if you wish to be treated like other people, end the occupation!

#DeathToisrael #DeathToOccupation #Cancer #IslamicResistance #Palestine #AlAqsaStorm

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