O’ Kind and Generous Imam Hasan (A) |

Surood | Farsi Sub English

“Hasan (A), O’ Hasan (A),
my Eshq (profound love);
my life [Imam] Hasan (A)!”

“Hasan (A), O’ Hasan (A),
[the] role model of obedience;
[Imam] Hasan (A)!”

“Being Kareem (generous)
doesn’t mean anything
when in front of you,”

“because Keramat (generosity)
has become a characteristic
after you; [Imam] Hasan (A).”

This and more in this beautiful Surood by the Najmul Thaqib children’s Surood group in honor of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (A).

Salutations be upon the believers on the birth anniversary of the second divinely appointed Imam, Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Mujtaba (A).

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