Ayatollah Isa Qasem’s Message

Sayyid Nasrallah Left Behind A Victorious Jihadi Nation

In the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the most honorable of creations and Messengers, Prophet Muhammad (S) and his pure Ahl al-Bayt (A).

O’ great leader, your departure to your Almighty Allah, has left a rebellious, deep and flaming wound in the hearts of millions of conscious, faithful, and pure peoples. On the other hand, your [martyrdom] has left behind a foolish, ignorant joy in the filthy hearts controlled by the Satan.

Your departure won’t stop your Jihad, and your school has left behind a Jihadi nation that cannot tolerate injustice, whose will is unbreakable, and whose path to the precious victory isn’t cut off by any power.

The affliction is great and the consolation is great because your path is the path of martyrdom, and the destiny you have taken is the destiny of prosperity.

May Allah reward your entire family and beloved ones, along with your faithful followers, and grant you the honorable position with the martyrs and the righteous, and neighboring the Great Prophet (S) and his pure Ahl al-Bayt (A).

You lived and were martyred as a role model. Successive generations will graduate at your generous hands to illuminate the Islamic Ummah upon your cultural, religious, moral, and Jihadi lessons, in addition to your lectures on righteousness, chastity, piety, honesty, sincerity, loyalty to Allah, His Prophet (S) and the believers, and compassion for the oppressed.

Those who will adhere to your path [O’ Sayyid Nasrallah], i.e. the path of Islam, pride, honor, and Paradise are those of alert minds, conscious hearts, pure souls, virtuous spirits, strong and good will, and revolutionary minds that triumph for the Truth and opposes injustice, falsehood, defeat, and decline.

Today, the great divine religious responsibility imposes on the Islamic Ummah – governments and peoples at all levels – a serious Jihadi confrontation against the insistence of the accursed tyrannical Zionism on shedding the blood of the Islamic Ummah, crushing its dignity, showing extreme disdain for it, and comprehensively threatening its existence.

Today, there is no excuse for a Muslim to fall short in a word, effort, money, or blood, or anything that could benefit the Resistance and defend the Islamic Ummah and every inch of its land.

To save time, and before it is too late, there is no room for procrastination in sacrificing.

Besides, the decision-makers in the Resistance movements must make room for the peoples of the Islamic Ummah to participate practically in this fierce battle.

Remaining silent about the massacres and slaughter of the Islamic Ummah by Zionism, the assassination of its leaders. Cowardly positions, the lack of sacrifice, the fear on one’s life, and the lack of support are [all] major crimes.

The treacherous and cowardly positions in support of the Zionist enemy – at the level of governments and individuals – amounts to an obvious hostility towards the Islamic Ummah and a war against Allah, His Messenger (S), and the believers.

Ayatollah Isa Qasem
September 30, 2024