The movement of this esteemed and great lady…
The movement of this esteemed and great lady [lady Fatima Masuma (A)] – this young daughter raised and nurtured in the arms of the Prophet’s (S) Ahl al-Bayt – encompassed the followers, the companions, and the friends of the infallible Imams (A). And by means of her travelling through various cities and disseminating the seeds of knowledge and Wilayah throughout her [long] journey among the people, and finally reaching this region and [namely the city of] Qom, resulted in that the city of Qom became the fundamental shining base for the knowledge of the Ahl al-Bayt during that oppressive and dark time of tyrant governments, and it became a base for the dissemination of the light of the knowledge of the Ahl al-Bayt from the east to the west of the Islamic world.