The Great Islamic Jihad Against Covid-19 | Infographic
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a great test for all of humanity.
A test where the honor, generosity, and morality of humanity was tested.
Yet, how did the so-called ultra-modern countries of the world such as the western world behave during the Covid-19 pandemic?
The whole world watched in shock as these so-called ultra-modern countries of the world were busy stealing masks from other countries, stores were being ransacked for all kinds of goods and products, vaccines were being hoarded away from poorer countries, and bribes were being paid – even on a governmental level – for things as insignificant as a mask.
On the other hand, how did the Islamic Republic of Iran behave during the Covid-19 pandemic?
An Islamic Republic which is firmly based upon and rooted in the holy Qur’an, the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (A), and the fundamental pillar of humanity’s perfection known as Islam.
Thus we bring forth statements from a speech delivered on May 10th, 2020, by his eminence, the Leader of the Islamic Republic, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, where he speaks about “The Great Islamic Jihad Against Covid-19”.
The honor and prestige of Islam has again come out victorious from yet another global test for humanity.