In the Ziyaraat and in the words of the Infallible Imams (A)…
In the Ziyaraat and in the words of the Infallible Imams (A) that which has reached us regarding Abul Fazl al-Abbas is emphasized in two words: one is Baseerat (insight) and the other is Loyalty. And where can the Baseerat of Abul Fazl al-Abbas be seen? For all of Imam Husayn’s companions had Baseerat, but Abul Fazl al-Abbas encompassed more Baseerat. One example of his Baseerat was that he ordered his three other brothers who were with him to go to the battlefield and fight on the path of Allah before him so that they attain martyrdom. Did you know that these were four brothers from the same mother and Abul Fazl al-Abbas was the oldest. For a human being to sacrifice their brothers in front of their eyes for Husayn ibn Ali (A), for a human being to not let the thought of a pained mother impede them, even to the extent that they have one of these four brothers return to please their mother, for a human being to not let the thought of their own small child waiting for their return to Madina impede them; this is Baseerat.