Countless thanks to the Almighty Allah…
Countless thanks to the Almighty Allah for taking care of and supporting the Islamic country and its devoted and self-sacrificing soldiers, and blessing us with His great victory. I am convinced that “And victory is not, except from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.” [Quran 03:126]; [still] I am thankful to the sons of Islam and the knightly armed forces – from whose sleeves came out the power of the hands of Truth – and they saved the country of Baqiyatallah al-A’zam – may our souls be sacrified for him – from the clutches of savage wolves, who are tools in the hands of superpowers – especially the world-devouring America – and resounded the call of “Allahu Akbar” in the esteemed Khorramshahr and raised the proud flag of ‘There is no god, except Allah’.