Statement by President Bashar Al-Assad
To the Lebanese National Resistance
To the family of the martyr, Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah
My message is not to console you on the martyrdom of the Resistance leader, for over the past decades, you have demonstrated such resilience, strength, determination, and solidarity that no tragedy, no matter how great, could weaken you. You come from a school of struggle that knows only perseverance and steadfastness on the path of Truth, no matter how high the cost. Noble and pure blood is only spilled in the pursuit of justice and its causes.
The Resistance does not weaken with the martyrdom of its leaders; instead, it remains firmly rooted in the hearts and minds of its people. Great leaders, during their lifetimes, build the doctrine of struggle, chart its course, and establish its path. When they depart, they leave behind a legacy of thought and a practical approach to honor and resistance. They build for that inevitable hour of destiny, which does not come by chance but carries a profound message and consequence, as it transitions them from temporary presence among us to eternal immortality in our collective memory and consciousness, becoming an enduring symbol of resistance for generations to come.
The Resistance is both an idea and a principle. The martyr, Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, is its memory and its history. He will never be regarded merely as a legend but will remain a path that creates a reality centered on the Resistance, with pride as its essence, dignity as its compass, liberation as its goal, and his name – Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah – as its guiding light across generations.
We are confident that the Lebanese National Resistance will continue on the path of struggle and justice against occupation will remain the steadfast shoulder supporting the Palestinian people in their just cause. The martyr Nasrallah will always be remembered by the Syrian people for his unwavering stance, leading the Lebanese National Resistance alongside Syria in its battle against the tools of Zionism, despite the burdens he carried in his confrontation. This memory of loyalty will enshrine the name of the martyr, Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, forever.
President Bashar al-Assad
September 29, 2024