Message by Yemen’s Ansarallah Leader Sayyid Abdul Malik Al-Houthi

In the Name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

We extend our deepest condolences to the honorable family of Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, to our brothers and sisters in Hezbollah, and to the Lebanese people.

Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah was a shining star in the sky of the Mujahideen, a great and successful leader who embodied the values and ethics of Islam with dignity and pride.

He was recognized by both friends and foes. Through him and his companions in Hezbollah, Allah granted great victories that elevated them to heights of glory and honor.

Hezbollah, through its leadership, cadres, Mujahideen, and supporters, has carried the Husayni spirit of faith in the battlefield of Jihad from its very inception.

The most important thing at this time is to thwart the efforts of the Zionists and criminals to break the morale and weaken the advanced front of Hezbollah in confronting the Zionist enemy.

Now is the time to follow the path of the righteous, embodying patience, steadfastness, and trust in Allah, knowing that great sacrifices and immense suffering will not be in vain. Allah will grant victory and a favorable outcome through them.

Loyalty to the martyr of Muslims and humanity lies in continuing his Jihadist journey with patience, steadfastness, seeking Allah’s assistance, trusting in Him, and relying upon Him.

Just as the hopes of the Zionists were crushed after the assassination of the great martyr Ismail Haniyeh, their hopes will also be shattered in targeting Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah.

The israeli enemy’s aggression remains unchanged when targeting the former Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyid Abbas Musawi, Shaykh Ragheb Harb, and Palestinian leaders.

Regardless of the scale of sacrifices, yielding is not an option; rather, it calls for escalating efforts and improving performance.

The support fronts, the Axis of Jihad, and the banner of Islam will endure, continue, and rise, despite the wishes of the israeli enemy.

The israeli enemy bears the consequences of its crimes, but it won’t achieve its ambitions; its downfall is inevitable, as promised by Allah.

We affirm that everyone must play their part, as the battle is still ongoing. The israeli enemy is an adversary of Islam and the Muslims, and poses a threat to humanity.

We won’t fail the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples or our comrades in the path of the Mujahideen in Lebanon and Palestine.

I hope the media front remains active during this critical time and that its champions intensify their efforts.

I assure our dear martyr and those who preceded him in Lebanon and Palestine that we are steadfast, and their blood won’t be in vain.

“Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.” [Quran 03:173]

Sayyid Abdul Malik al-Houthi
Sept. 28, 2024